Tuesday, October 9, 2007


What more is there to say. Brown bottled the election because he would have lost seats like Brigg and Goole. Our local polling shows a movement to the Conservatives locally and so it is no surprise Brown bottled it. I have to say I knew that Labour MPs in marginal seats must be worried because my opponent here kept blogging that everyone was telling him he would win by an increased majority! The fact he published those silly blogs obviously meant he was nervous. Whilst I am sorry we wont have an election I relish the chance for 18 months more to campaign. We have barely got started here and we have so much more planned.

Despite the lack of an election I have been out and about this weekend across the constituency. I spent Sunday in Belton with quite a big team. Best of all, I picked up a couple of new volunteers and some new poster sites. Wherever I go people say how nice it is to see us, there is so much untapped potential in this seat and the fact that we are doing what we are doing is paying dividends. A proper campaign is what this seat needs and that's what my team and I will deliver.

Alas, I have got a Conference Cough though so I have spent today in the house doing admin jobs for the campaign meeting later. Anyway, I'm off for some more chicken soup!

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